7:15 pm | $10
New Paltz resident Peter Ferland’s homemade feature-length comedy “Pirate Birthday Party” screened in Rosendale in March to a full house. “The plan was to show it once and then move on,” Ferland said. “But it went so well, and there have been so many requests from people who want to see it again, we’re showing it a second time.’”
The family comedy is the story of well-meaning parents who are throwing a birthday party for their 14 year-old son who would rather not be there. A trailer for the movie can be seen on the filmmaker’s website <a href=”www.peterferland.com” target=“_blank”>www.peterferland.com</a> and before showtimes at the Rosendale Theatre.
The independent movie was shot in the summer and fall of 2013 and took 2 years to edit. The local cast includes the filmmaker’s sons: Oliver Ferland as the disgruntled teen and Henry Ferland as his irksome younger brother. Nancy O. Graham plays the concerned mother, Jessica Maciag plays his suspicious former teacher. Writer-Director Ferland plays the father.
Ferland was a writers assistant on the NBC sitcom FRASIER for 6 seasons and wrote a movie for Showtime called “BEREFT”. He made a rite-of-passage documentary called “Tending Fires” which screened in Rosendale 3 years ago and played in 3 area film festivals.
He has led filmmaking workshops for students at BOCES and High Meadow School and has been an instructor at Wild Earth Wilderness Programs in New Paltz. He also makes videos for people’s websites.
Other members of the cast include Allyson Uzzle, Jim Fossett, Suzanne Stokes and Will Sweeney as parents of party guests played by Emerson Fossett, Ada Graham Lowengard, Lucy Soman, Sophie Payne, Gil Sweeney, Eli Duncan-Gilmour, Parker Stahl, Oliver Uzzle and Zoe Homer.