9:30 pm | $20 | Burlesque and Drag Live theater
Tickets: http://www.biggayhudsonvalley.com/nasty-drew-that-harder-boy-the-mystery-of-the-family-jewels-rosendale/
Great jumping catfish! Someone has snatched Lady Dubois’ cherished family jewels! Never fear, stripper sleuths Nasty Drew and That Harder Boy are on the case. Watch as they hunt for clues, ward off menacing suspects and loosen up a few buttons of their own on their search to find the dastardly diamond deviant.
Presented by Big Gay Hudson Valley and GayHudson.com, Nasty Drew & That Harder Boy: The Mystery of the Family Jewels is written and produced by Chris Harder the star of BGHV’s annual burlesque cabaret, HUNG With Care. This queer and campy “whodunit” play features some of NYC’s hottest names in burlesque, drag and circus performance.