In Surviving The Jopp we meet six contestants, a burnt out host, the camera crew of one – and some unexpected visitors as we follow the reality TV show, Surviving The Jopp, where six random teens are challenged to live in the wild with a team member that they’ve never met. Surviving The Jopp is a short film by Youth Ensemble Theater’s Summer ensemble, featuring Alila Andersen, Atlas Greenblatt, Dino Philippis, Emma Lynn Seckinger, Jordan Vargas, Josiah Hinestroza, Levi Chapin, Nico Sanchez, Rosaleah Glantz, and Will Brown, and directed by Amy Poux.
Amy Poux, Y.E.T. Director
Amy Poux has directed young adults and youth, and created YA content since 1991, first as founder of the pioneering arts education company, Working Playground, Inc. (AKA: Urban Arts Partnership) in NYC, and later upon establishing Youth Ensemble Theater (YET), an award-winning theater company for rural youth in Ulster county.
Youth Ensemble Theater (Y.E.T.) has garnered awards from NYC Thespian Society (Best Play/Best supporting actress, 2019), NYS Theatre Education Association (Award of Excellence 2019), American Academy for the Dramatic Arts (Featured performance/Youth Theatre Conference 2018) among others. Y.E.T. plays have performed Off-Broadway at the 52nd Street Project and Bank Street Theater (NYC), and regionally at The Richard B. Fisher Performing Arts Center (Bard College), NY State & Film/Powerhouse Theater Festival (Poughkeepsie, NY), Boughton Place (Highland, NY), Byrdcliffe Theater (Woodstock, NY), and High Meadow Performing Arts Center (Stone Ridge, NY). In pandemic times Poux pivoted to direct the YET Zoom teleplay “WEIrD” and the episodic spoof “Zoom School”, as well as creating a number of free Zoom improv programs for adults and youth.
As former Director of Education, Film at Lincoln Center, Poux designed and implemented filmmaking programs for thousands of NYC youth. She co-designed Stockade Works’ signature crew Boot Camps in Kingston. In 2019 Poux wrote/directed Do Nothings, a short film about a gender-queer teen and in 2020 she made the film’s sequel, I’m Okay. (Produced by HUDSY-TV and Northguild) Both films were Awarded by NYWIFT iWoman Shorts Fest 2022, and New Filmmakers NY Altfest, 2021.
Most recently, Poux produced the feature film, Sunday at Il Posto Accanto by Seth Zvi Rosenfeld (“Them” Amazon, “The Get Down”/Netflix) to be released in 2023.