Free Admission, Doors open at 9:00 am. Program begins at 9:30 am. Come early to get a good seat.

“At this time when various forces find reasons to divide us it is critical that we highlight those things that unite us as Americans–like the Declaration of Independence.” Edward Schoelwer

Everybody knows that the signing of the Declaration of Independence is the cause for our July 4th celebration. But have you actually read the document?

The community is invited for a free family event on July 4 at 9:30 a.m for a reading of the Declaration of Independence at the Rosendale Theatre. Twenty individual—civic and business leaders, students, teachers, artists—representatives of all facets of our community—will take turns reading the document that changed the world.

At the conclusion of the reading of the Declaration, Maitreya Motel, will read The New Colossus, Emma Lazarus’ poem “that permanently stamped on Miss Liberty the role of unofficial greeter of incoming immigrants.” (John T Cunningham) followed by a musical tribute to the “Lady in the Harbor.”

Afterwards share in a cup of coffee and a breakfast-birthday cake baked by the Rosendale Cafe.

Some of our featured readers are:

Ashley Dittus (Dem) Commissioner, Ulster County Board of Elections
Donna Nisha Cohen, President, Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community
Juan Figueroa, Ulster County Sheriff
Kristen Tulley, proprietor of 1850 House
Loraine Farley, substance abuse counselor
Rosario Agostaro, retired supervisor of Rondout Valley Schools