Adult themed, strong language. Performance not appropriate for children.
Verna and David will perform excerpts from their repertoire, offer insights into their creative processes, and help bring out the storyteller in you. Performances and workshop will be followed by a free-flowing Q&A.
David will lead a 30-minute experiential introduction to The Four Rivers Model of storytelling he developed to help invigorate personal stories with vitality and communicative power.
About the performers
David Gonzalez has done more than 5000 public appearances and workshops where he teaches young and old alike how to maximize communication, creativity, and self-expression. Widely recognized as one of the foremost storytellers in the country, David is a Joseph Campbell Foundation Fellow, earned his doctorate from New York University’s School of Education, and received the Lifetime Achievement Award for Sustained Excellence from International Performing Arts for Youth.
Verna Gillis is a prolific creator who has been performing “sit down comedy” standing up since she won her first slam sponsored by TMI in Ulster County. Her niche is aging – and so is she. Other performances include the “Older-Woman” show, Tales From Geriassic Park – On The Verge Of Extinction, The Olders, and Awesome & Gruesome- A Ranthem. She’s authored three book and founded Soundscape, the first multicultural performance and producing organization in NYC. Gillis has a Ph.D. in Ethnomusicology and taught at both Brooklyn College and Carnegie Mellon.