R | Horror/Comedy | 2 Hours 0 Minutes | $20.00 General Admission/$15.00 Members
What better way to celebrate Friday the 13th, the day, than by lampooning one of the wackiest entries in the Friday the 13th franchise?
The Rosendale Theatre and Dumb Industries are proud to present a special Friday the 13th live riff of JASON X! Join our expert panel of movie mockers, including: Frank Conniff (Mystery Science Theater 3000), Irene Bremis (Rachel Dratch’s Late Night Snack), Chris Gersbeck (Dumb Industries), and Andy Monk (Queer Conspiracy), as they find out what happens when a cryogenically frozen killing machine from the past gets loose on a poorly ran (and poorly CGIed) spaceship!
Don’t miss out on any of the chi-chi-chi ha-ha-ha’s! Buy your tickets today!