Join us as we cap off Women’s History Month with a special celebration of the Feminine and Music.
Twenty-four women of the DRUMSONG ORCHESTRA, under the direction of Ubaka Hill, will perform multi-cultural drum and percussion songs rooted in Women’s Music and Drumming Traditions.
Opening our celebration will be the B2’s, a nine-voice Women’s Voice Ensemble founded and directed by Musician, Composer, Songleader, and Choral Director Debbie Lan. With original arrangements by Debbie, the B2’s eclectic and uplifting repertoire includes songs by Jane Siberry, Tom Waits, Pete Seeger, Sweet Honey In The Rock, Low Lily, and Rising Appalachia, amongst others. The B2’s features Betty Boomer, Ruth Molloy, Suzanne Stokes, Carol Bialy, Noelle Damon, Kathy Flannery, Rita Prusinski, Vicki Koenig and Donna Greenfield Cullen.