9:30 am | FREE ADMISSION | Sponsored by BlueStone Press
Hear the words that changed the world forever! Rosendale Theatre invites one and all to A Reading of the Declaration of Independence, a FREE family event!
Twenty individuals have been selected to be readers, all of them were chosen as an acknowledgement of their exemplary service to our community. Already the following have accepted this honor: Winifred Barnes, Martha Brittell, Lori Childers, Pat Clarke, Louisa Duffy, Wil Eagleston, Bill Eggers, Teddy Elder, Violet Elder, Esther Taylor Evans, Jin Haigh-Gao, Matthew McClusky, Bill Pape, Roberta Russak, Tim Sweeney and Paul Tobin. Edward Schoelwer, the organizer of the event says, “At this time when various forces find reasons to divide us it is critical that we highlight those things that unite us as Americans–like the Declaration of Independence.”
Anita Peck and Jerry Herman will serve as hosts; Drew Andrews will read Langston Hughes’ “Let America Be America Again” and a surprise musical guest will culminate the half-hour experience. Afterwards share in a cup of coffee and a breakfast-birthday cake fresh from The Alternative Baker.