4:00 pm – 6:30 pm | $10 | 2 hr 30 min | lecture series
This week’s guests
– DECORA, Hip-Hop Artist, DJ, and Performance Poet, “Normal is Not a Feeling”
– EVAN PRITCHARD, Author, Algonquin Scholar, and Activist, “The Native Roots of the Easter Story”
– IAN ROBERTSON DUNCAN, Founder of Norther Dipper Daoist Temple, “The Mysterious Waterwheel: Daoist Inner Alchemy”
‘Engaging Lectures with Everyday Experts’ Series (ELEE) is where distinguished community members give candid lectures about their specific fields of work, passion, and creative process in attempts to inspire important conversations, unexpected collaboration, and inspired living. Each evening is inter-disciplinary and intimate, placing emphasis on local individuals and their stories. The evening will conclude with a panel discussion, whereby the evening’s three speakers will be able to engage each other and questions from the audience regarding the evening’s theme. The ELEE series will bring relevant subjects and interesting speakers together, highlighting inter-disciplinary approaches, and inviting each and all of us to begin to see ourselves as “everyday experts” — whereby we pursue and spread our passions through the lives we live. Amidst the ‘information-age’ in which we live, the value of human ingenuity is increasingly in our abils to see across disciplines and synthesize meaningful conclusions and action. Through interdisciplinary exploration, the ELEE series attempts to cultivate this new direction of human collaboration and compassion. The ELEE series will consistently bring inspired individuals together in real time on a monthly basis.