Two Short Films Sponsored by Amnesty International Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter and the Rondout Valley High School Human Rights Club
Tuesday 5/1, Suggested donation $10, 7:15 pm
Join Amnesty International Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter and the Rondout Valley High School Human Rights Club at their 7th annual film screening of “America; I Too” and “The Resettled.” Both films powerfully raise awareness of immigrants’ and refugees’ issues. After the two short and moving films, there will be a panel of expert speakers including Ilgu Ozler, Amnesty International USA Board of Director and SUNY New Paltz Professor of Political Science & International Relations.
America; I Too
20min | Short, Drama
The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), presents its second Know Your Rights film; “America; I Too”, starring Academy Award nominee Barkhad Abdi and more than 250 voluntary actors from their community.” The film recounts the stories that too many of our nation’s immigrants face. ( Written and Directed by Anike Tourse. Stars: Barkhad Abdi, Jose Diaz, Linda Yim
The Resettled
30min | Documentary, Short
The dramatic stories of refugees who have resettled in the USA, and the challenges they continue to face daily.
Written and Directed by Alan Thompson. The Resettled “America is a nation that was built by immigrants and refugees, but are strangers from a foreign land welcome here today? This film takes us to Detroit, San Francisco, Boise, Twin Falls, and New York, and introduces refugees resettled from Iraq, Burma, Vietnam, Congo, and Liberia, who share their dramatic stories of survival and elusive search for the American dream. The Resettled reveals the challenges of the refugee experience and the consequences of resettling in a foreign land, and inspires us to offer newcomers our support.” Tzu Chi USA is a nonprofit humanitarian organization. Their mission is to put their compassion into actions, and that’s also why they produced the film with the hope of raising awareness of refugee issues. Tzu Chi has been carrying out refugee aid missions for years providing aid for Syrian refugee in Serbia, Turkey and other places around the world. (