7:15 pm | Free Admission
Sponsored by the Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community
Join us for a sound meditation by Tom Kenyon, tomkenyon.com, one of the most respected sound healers in the world today, followed by a LIve Skype Q & A with Tom.
We will be listening to Tom’s Golden Orb Meditation. This remarkable meditation is a vehicle through which you may enter into a very subtle and profound healing experience with the Tao. The meditation creates the decent of most subtle chi in the form of a Golden Orb and then circulates its nourishing and healing chi throughout the body. When the vitality of our subtle bodies and organs are elevated, life takes on a refined and beautiful quality. The Golden Orb is a deeply nourishing form of chi that would normally be reserved within the elite Inner Circles of Taoist practitioners and not shared with the public. Tom believes this form of alchemy is so beneficial that it should be made available to everyone.
Bring your questions about Tom’s work and the effects of sound on mind, body and spirit to share with Tom during the Live Skype Q & A.
Sponsored by the Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community, RVHHC.org, the Morty and Gloria Wolosoff Foundation and the Rosendale Theatre Collective