9:30 am | FREE
Sponsored by the Blue Stone Press
Hear the words that changed the world forever! The Rosendale Theatre invites one and all to A Reading of the Declaration of Independence, a FREE family event, on Monday, July 4 at 9:30 a.m., sponsored by Blue Stone Press. Afterwards share in a cup of coffee and a breakfast-birthday cake from The Alternative Baker.
Twenty individuals have been selected to be readers, all of them were chosen as an acknowledgement of their service to our communities. Already the following have accepted the honor of being on stage to take turns reading the immortal document: Fre Atlast, Ken Foo, March Gallagher, Keith Kortwright, Andrew Lutz, Marian McCorkle, Rob McDonough, Heidi Racioppo, Perry Soule, Carol Caru Thompson, and Nadia Welden. Donna Cohen-Viertel and Edward Schoelwer will serve as hosts; Carl Welden will read “A Letter from George Washington.” A rousing community sing-a-long lead by Lori Gross and Fiona Fraiser-Gross will culminate the half-hour experience.