7:15 pm | 1 hr 36 min | 2017 Documentary | Q&A with director Lenny Feinberg follow the screening

This screening is part of the week-long Local Connections Festival which has been organized to focus attention on local performing and creative artists and it is sponsored by Ulster County office of Economic Development, 1850 House, NY State Council on the Arts, and the Hudson Valley Film Commission.

Father’s Kingdom, The untold story of the remarkable civil rights pioneer Father Divine – who had over a million followers worldwide and is considered the link between Marcus Garvey and Martin Luther King – but is neglected by historians because he claimed that he was God incarnate. Father Divine’s Peace Mission followers populated Ulster County (with High Falls as the epicenter) in the 1930s.

Father’s Kingdom Trailer from Lenny Feinberg on Vimeo.



This screening is part of our week-long LOCAL CONNECTIONS FESTIVAL  – Rosendale Theatre has initiated the Local Connections Festival as way to highlight the work of filmmakers best in the Hudson Valley or films about our region as well as find a stage for local performing artists. It’s our way of making sure that we are serving our local connections!